At the height of his powers: Award Recipient Drew Shonka

Article reprinted from March 31, 2016 ~ The bOnion

Drew Shonka Photography, of Viroqua, Wisconsin, has been included on the short, exclusive list of “Wisconsin’s Best Places to Work,” an annual compilation published by the bOnion out of Madison, Wisconsin. Company founder Drew Shonka was pleased with the recognition, but not surprised. “This is definitely a great place to work,” he said, and added that employees are paid exactly what they deserve, no more, and no less. “There are good days and there are bad days. On a good day, I cash a check from a client, and go home and pay the bills.”

Lead photographer Drew Shonka agrees. “I also like the flexibility here. Some days I have to be at the studio, all showered and shaved and dressed in clean clothes. Clients like that, so that’s fine with me. But most of the time I work in my junior high school gym shorts, sitting at home on the couch, eating potato chips. The boss is pretty good about that.”

Other perks that come with working at Drew Shonka Photography include getting to keep props and products from catalog and commercial shoots. “I haven’t had much use for the syringes and respirators and adult diapers from the Medworld website shoot,” Shonka said. He then rhapsodized over the cheeseburger photo he took for the Driftless Café menu. “I had been working with it for over three hours, and it was cold and clammy. But when I finally ate it, it was the most delicious, delectable meal I’d had since Chilito Lindo closed.”

Underling Drew Shonka, who is in charge of office management, errands, and custodial work, says “At Drew Shonka Photography, work-life balance comes first. I’m alive all the time, and that’s pretty much how much I work.”

A recognition reception and dinner for Drew Shonka and the other award recipients will be held Friday, April 1, at the Rooted Spoon on Main Street in Viroqua.